We provide two quiet spaces for those who wish to take time from their lives to meditate reflect on their life; deepening and developing their spiritual practice; working on their creativity (writing, painting, sculpting, music etc).
There are two retreat spaces: one is a tower flat with small kitchen, shower room, sitting room and bedroom. The other is a summer house in the garden which is big enough to stay in and has sleeping, cooking and washing facilities.
We provide food for the retreatent to make breakfast and lunch, and a cooked meal is provided in the evening. We spend some time with the retreatent before the retreat starts to find out what they would like to make the experience what they hope for. We can offer to look in on them once a day – maybe when bringing food, or spend more time each day for the person to reflect on their experience. We also offer a de-brief at the end.
There are lovely country walks straight from the house and a beautiful garden. Those who wish can do some gardening or just sit in the garden.
If you are unsure then a phone call or visit to talk it through would be welcomed.